
Thursday, December 17, 2015


class self evaluation

the things  that i like about this class is that is fun. i like it because it helps me learn how to be a better person. it also teaches me new skills that i could use in my life time. the skills i learn i use them in all my class objectives. i really enjoy working and having a blogger. the suggestions i have for this class is that if we could listen to music while we work to improve are likeness of this class. but we have to be good and follow rules like not putting the music loud and not playing bad songs. and if anyone doesn't follow than they can take away the right to listen to music. i believe i try my best to pass this class because i worked hard to try to get a good grade. i did a my work and followed all the rules. i think that i am more committed to becoming a CTR person because i follow the rules now and try to help others. i believe that this class is very important to teach typing skills and life style skills and how to be a good person.

Friday, December 11, 2015


my IDP went very good everyone in my group showed up. it was very good everyone knew there lines. we all help each other out when someone was nervous we help each other. this project benefits me because it help us learn how we need to be prepared in life like presenting something for a good. this helps us by improving our speech. i learned that cirrhosis is a very bad disease that kill the liver. i plan to use this new ability to help me out for future jobs. so i can be prepared.


'always do right'
Mark Twain 
I think that this means is that you should always choose the right and should never do anything bad. this is important because it shows that you are a good person and you deserve to be treat right.. you should all ways do what right. and by not doing what is right no one will like to hang out with you. no one will trust you. you should always help others no matter what happens. this will open up great thing in life. but doing the other will be bad and not good to others. if you are no good you are not to be trusted 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


'If we do what’s right, we have no need to fear.' 
Evan Stephens 
What I think this means that if you are doing good you have nothing to fear. If you are choosing the wrong you be in fear knowing that you can get in trouble. This means is that your action will lead to good your bad thing happening. You should always do the right thing no matter what. For example it is like copying a friend in a test you will never know if you will get in trouble. This will have you in fear and you will not be comfortable the rest of the day. If you aren't cheating then you have nothing to fear. This will lead to you having a normal day. you should always do the right. this will make you have a good life

Monday, December 7, 2015


  1. can people trust me to do what's right? 
  2. Am i committed to doing my very best? 
  3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated 
'If the answer to these questions are yes, there is no way you can fail'
Lou Holtz 

yes people can trust me to the right thing because i always do what they ask no matter what happens. i believe this shows that people can have faith in you. and people will respect you. if no one have faith and trust in you other will not like to work with you and do work. people will known you as the person  that never's works and plays around. i answer yes to the second one even though some times it doesn't seem as it i still try my hardest. i answer yes to the third one because i would treat people fair  and they should  respect me too. if you treat people poorly they will do the same back to you. always treat people the why you want to be treated. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


'Kindness is the essence of greatness'
Joseph B. Wirthlin 
What I belief about this is that it mean the greatness thing is kindness. Being nice well make people like you. When people like you they will enjoy you. They will want to hang out with and do something later on. When you are not kind people will not like you because you are a bad person and no know like a bad person. They will not like to hang because you get them into trouble. An example of kindness is helping other without an award. A non-kindness act is asking for money to do something.